Personal Reflection
In GITA 1 I Learned...
In GITA 1, I learned how to code c# language using Visual Studio 2022. From being able to output a label, to being able to do complex calculations, genrate random numbers, using functions, play with AI, animation, timers, etc. In the end I was able to develope a game using skills I learned throughout the year.
This Year In AP Comp.Sci Principles I'm learning...
In AP Comp.Sci Principles, I'm learning how to code the language Java using Notepad++. So far I learned how to code HTML, output labels, create functions, using if statements, style the webpage using CSS, and display links.
Future Aspirations
My goal is to keep having good grades, do more voluteer work and extracurricular activities, and go to a good college. Lastly attend a medical school and become a doctor.
AP Classes
Currently I'm enrolled in AP Computer Science Principles, AP Pre-Calc, and AP Chinese.
GITA Program Overview
GITA is a program teching students how to code using different computer languages, such as in GITA 1 I learned C#, and in AP Comp.Cci Principles I'm learning Java. When people have questions they either ask the teacher or cooperate with peers. In this program students are learning a skill that could be their future career.
I'm in a club called Music Healers, we would play music at a hospital or nursing home.